Constellation Quality Health is partnering with B&F Consulting, Inc., experts in nursing home high performance, to support this program. ALL participating nursing homes will receive on-going individualized consultation with practical steps they can adapt to their own circumstances.
Phase 1 has been Successfully Completed! Phase 2 started December 8, 2022.
Phase 1: Developing New Business Model
Eight Nursing Homes: Scheduled onsite visit during the week of October 24-28 to: Identify leadership styles and staffing strategies in South Carolina long-term care (LTC) facilities that stood out among their peers regarding COVID-19 infections and staffing shortages.
Thank you to our Phase 1 participants:
- PruittHealth- Dillon
- NHC Healthcare, Sumter
- Spartanburg Hospital for Restorative Care, SNF
- RoseCrest
- Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina-Foothills
- Greenwood Transitional Rehab, SNF
- NHC Healthcare, Anderson
- PruittHealth- Barnwell
Scheduled onsite visit with identified high performing nursing home during the week of October 24-28, 2022, to:
- Identify leadership practices and staffing strategies in South Carolina long-term care (LTC) facilities that stood out among their peers regarding COVID-19 infections and staffing shortages
- Learn best practices and valuable insights regarding their success that will lay the foundation for the new South Carolina Long Term Care Leadership Academy
Phase 2
Phase 2: Pilot a new Nursing Home Value Business Model
Virtual Sharing Call on December 8 with South Carolina Corporate Leaders to:
- Share insights learned from high performers
- Discuss types of interventions and process for change to be used with pilot homes
- Guide identification of 2 or 3 homes to participate in pilot (selected by December 15). Choose strong performers that have the capacity to implement the business model
- Establish partnership with corporate representatives to support pilot practices in participating homes to ensure the pilot meets business needs and is replicable
- Share calendar of activities for pilot
Launch Pilot Program- Leadership Academy January 2023-July 2023
Constellation Quality Health Team will visit 12 pilot nursing homes January 9-19, 2023, to:
- Establish a working relationship
- Learn about the pilot home’s strengths and areas for interventions
- Introduce components of the new business model learned from high performers
- Explain pilot process
- Identify unique starting point
Constellation Quality Health Team will provide support to 12 pilot nursing homes February – July, 2023 as follows:
Each month:
Week 1 – 30-minute individual call with pilot home administrator and DON
Week 2 – 30-minute call with all pilot homes in your corporation and you
Week 3 – 30-minute individual call with pilot home administrator and DON
Week 4 – 1 hour call with all pilot homes and all corporate representatives in the academy
August – September 2023
- Constellation Quality Health Team will conduct on-site visits to 12 pilot nursing homes August 2023
- Outcomes Congress September 2023
- Change package
Phase 3
Phase 3: One Pilot, Three Outstanding Programs
Low Burden, High Impact Workforce Retention Program
#1. Frontline Supervisor Support Training Series
A program of seven web-based, pre-recorded learning modules under 20 minutes each. The purpose of this series is to present skills and tools necessary to be successful in a supervisory role. This series will focus on sharing the vision, aligning goals, and developing trust that will help advance you and those you lead both personally and professionally.
#2. NAHCA CNA Preceptor Turnover Management Program: for Staff Development Coordinators and 5 CNAs
A CNA Preceptor program contributes to staff retention by fostering a positive and supportive work environment while also positively impacting resident outcomes. Participating organizations will:
• Receive up to 6 access licenses to the NAHCA Preceptor Portal.
• Receive personalized and branded portal for up to 6 months.
• Be able to certify up to 6 preceptors in the center.
#3. ACE Virtual Learning Collaborative: for NHAs, DONs, ADONs and DSDs
ACE Virtual Learning Collaborative is a monthly webinar series taking place from April 2024 to October 2024. Field experts will discuss leadership practices that directly impact frontline staff retention. Topics include high-performance leadership skills, staff stability practices, hiring strategies, onboarding and orientation, peer mentoring, financial investments, and HR practices.
#4. Overview/Scheduling: (LS) Learning Sessions (CS) Coaching Sessions
2nd Wednesday of each month participate in a 60-minute LS. 4th Wednesday of each month participate in a 60-minute CS.